Currently, November 2023

I think I finally have something to say again, so there’s nothing better to do than hop full-swing into a “what I’m doing right now”-type post.

  1. Reading: Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, 8th ed. I’m working on a class for work, so I’ll be missing out on reading for pleasure for the near future. It has been a pretty good year for reading, though. I’ll share what I’ve read thus far in a future post.
  2. Watching: Aside from the usual murder-documentaries, I’ve been LIVING for Brooklyn 99. The entire series is available on Peacock Plus, and we’re having to try to limit ourselves to just a few episodes per night so we don’t run through it too fast. I can’t wait to start it all over again once I’m done. I just love Jake and Amy!
  3. Making: all kinds of things! I signed up for Weight Watchers about 7 weeks ago, and I’ve been cooking a TON, which has been great for the budget as we’ve significantly reduced our takeout consumption. I’ve done a couple of crockpots of taco soup, and big batch of chili and Frijoles Borrachos, and a few dozen pumpkin oatmeal cookies. Thus far, WW has been a success, and I’m pretty pleased about it.
  4. Knitting: I’ve got two scarves going–one for my husband and one for his best friend out in Utah. However, I also currently have, like, 90 patterns queued on Ravelry, so it’ll be time to start something else soon.
  5. Planning: a veryvery busy November, honestly. Our equestrian drill team has a show coming up. Joey’s officiating a wedding, a couple of events at The Cigar Shop, and then the usual Thanksgiving madness. As a result, I’m also planning exactly what I’m going to do to get the house back in order.
  6. Hoping: that the vet will be able to get Brownie’s back leg issues ironed out and we can get his hind end strength back up so we can ride normally again. And that we’ll get a few more months with Shelli.
  7. Buying: TRYING to buy nothing. But I did just buy some fertilizer stakes for my two fig bushes.

How about you? What are you up to?

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